Forensic Engineering
Accident & Failure Investigation, Expert Witness, Legal & Insurance Services
A mechanical failure investigation is an in-depth analysis and thorough examination of material, product, or sample that has failed to identify the cause of failure to prevent repeat failures. Failure investigations are important to improve the reliability and integrity of these products and help reduce or prevent dangerous risks to people and the environment.
We are frequently called upon to assist with the determination of the cause of the failures or incidents involving mechanical plants or equipment. This also includes regularly being requested by Worksafe to investigate the cause of workplace injuries and fatalities.
Our experience in mechanical engineering, fire engineering, and machine safety provides us with the expertise to assist with a wide range of investigations and provide clear and concise reports on our findings.
Bob and Scott have decades of experience between them working with most of the country’s top Law firms, Loss Adjusters and Insurance companies.
Typical investigations we have assisted with include:
Structure fires
Paint spray booth fires
Marine machinery and equipment
Boilers and refrigeration
Plant and equipment fires
Vehicle and industrial equipment mechanical failures
Diesel engine failures
Fire safety system failures
Floods and building leaks
Weathertight homes
Identifying causes for Water pipe burst
Accidents involving tools or machines
Identification of failure or faults in the safety systems of machinery and equipment